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Improve German Consonant Sounds

Are you learning German, but can’t get your pronunciation just right? Consonants can be tricky, and pronouncing German vowels correctly can be difficult. However, with the right learning routine and teachers, it doesn’t have to be.

When learning everyday German dialogue, pronunciation matters. If you mispronounce one consonant or vowel, the entire word and its meaning may change entirely. This can lead to some confusion.

German consonants are similar to English and are easier to pronounce than German vowels. However, there are still some important differences between the two languages you should be aware of, like how to say the letter ‘r’ or consonant blends. To improve your German consonant pronunciation skills, break down the word, exaggerate the sound, and try some German tongue twisters. 

German Consonants Versus English Consonants

Like English, the German language has its own set of rules. Let’s break down a few of the big differences with consonants you may come across:

  • R: One of the most important differences between German and English is the letter ‘r.’ When pronounced, the German ‘r’ is formed with a guttural sound similar to a hard ‘ch’ sound. It’s pronounced this way only at the beginning of a word or if it follows another consonant. If it comes after a vowel in a word, it’s pronounced with a short ‘u’ sound (like in the English word ‘but’). 
  • Ch: The German language has two ‘ch’ sounds that don’t directly correspond to English sounds. The soft ‘ch’ sound (used in the word ‘ich’) is created by placing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth. The hard ‘ch’ sound (used in the word ‘ach’) is made from the back of the throat. Both sounds are unique to the German language and can feel like tongue twisters to English speakers.
  • Consonant blends: German has a number of consonant blends, such as ‘pf’ and ‘ts.’ These can be tricky to say because they require a simultaneous articulation of both consonants. 

Tips for Practice

Getting the hang of the different consonant pronunciations can be quite a challenge. Here are some tips and tricks you can try to hone your skills:

  • Tongue twisters: While speaking German, you can sometimes feel like you’re trying to recite a tongue twister, so try practicing actual German tongue twisters. This can be fun and help you with complex consonant blends and sounds.
  • Listen: Watch German films or television shows, listen to German music and podcasts, or simply shadow a native speaker. You can subconsciously absorb the correct pronunciation of certain words and phrases this way. Then, you can try to imitate the sounds when you speak.
  • Take a class: Immersing yourself in culture is a great way to learn a new language, but you don’t have to travel to do so. In addition to consuming a variety of German media, enroll in an online German course like one offered by German Academy Zurich. Their classes are tailor-made to a person’s learning style and an expert speaker is available to help you pronounce these tough words with ease.

Benefits of Learning Online

German Academy Zurich is a leading German learning program in Switzerland. Our approach blends German language expertise and AI-powered technology. When you enroll in one of our courses, you receive a private tutor and access to our learning platform. 

Classes can be taken from anywhere in the world, wherever it fits best in your schedule, and our lessons are designed to help you pass the intermediate German exam in two months. With courses available for anyone from beginners to more advanced speakers, we’re here to help you on your German learning journey!

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